
Two days experience with international experts giving you the best deep dive perspective from world of .NET performance.

Adam Sitnik

Adam Sitnik

Software Engineer at Microsoft

I am a Software Engineer focused on .NET performance and reliability. I believe strongly in open source. I contribute to few open source projects: BenchmarkDotNet, dotnet/performance, corefx, coreclr, corefxlab and the awesome .NET Performance list. I currently work for the .NET Team at Microsoft where I work on making the .NET Framework the fastest developer platform on the planet. I am also an ex-MMA practitioner, AFOL, rabbit owner and a huge star wars fan.

Christophe Nasarre

Christophe Nasarre

Software Engineer at Datadog

In addition to developing and shipping software on Microsoft stacks for almost 30 years, Christophe has been working as a Technical Reviewer for MSPress, Addison-Wesley and other publishing companies since 1996 on books such as "CLR via C#" and the last editions of Windows Internals.

Jiří Činčura

Jiří Činčura

Software engineer (EF Core Team) at Microsoft

Jiří Činčura is .NET/C# and Firebird expert. Speaker and blogger. For almost two decades he contributes to open-source. Works as senior software engineer for Microsoft in EF Core/data area.

Kevin Gosse

Kevin Gosse

Staff Software Engineer at Datadog

Kevin Gosse has been using Microsoft .NET technologies for 15 years, across client, server, and mobile applications. He is Microsoft MVP and is currently employed at Datadog, where he works on the performance of the .NET APM.

Konrad Kokosa

Konrad Kokosa

Author of the Pro .NET Memory Management book

Programming for over a dozen years, solving performance problems and architectural puzzles in the .NET world, speeding up web applications. Independent consultant, blogger, speaker and fan of Twitter. He also shares his passion as a trainer in the area of .NET, especially about application performance and diagnostics. Microsoft MVP in the Visual Studio and Development Tools category. Co-founder of Dotnetos initiative.

Shay Rojansky

Shay Rojansky

Principal software engineer at Microsoft

I'm in love with everything data in .NET - Entity Framework, System.Data, and anything else that has you talking to some sort of database. I'm especially interested in making things go faster, and going deep into the guts of things in order to make that happen. I'm also one of the developers working on Npgsql, the PostgreSQL .NET provider.

Tomáš Herceg

Tomáš Herceg

CEO at RIGANTI, Author of DotVVM

I am the CEO of RIGANTI, a software development & consulting company located in the Czech Republic. I am Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) since 2009, and I was also awarded with Microsoft Regional Director title in 2015 and 2017. I am the author of DotVVM, an open source .NET-based web framework that lets you build web apps using the Model-View-ViewModel pattern. You can find me speaking about .NET and web development, software architecture, cloud computing, and other topics at technical conferences. I am also a founder of Update Conference Prague, the biggest conference for .NET developers in the Czech Republic.